Ocean Hackathon Malaysia

0 Places Remaining

Ocean Hackathon Malaysia

2-4 December 2022

International competition dedicated to ocean preservation through team-effort and innovation.

@Double Tree Intermark (TBC)

Only proceed to payment if you have received an e-mail from the Ocean Hackathon team asking you to do so. Please do not share your link with anyone else.

  • Posts par MFUC:

-          https://www.instagram.com/p/CkfkIxivtsV/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 

-          https://www.facebook.com/100063754081420/posts/pfbid0279PsgnnFoawVmcqHsWuzQ1H2T8BoYw32JTDnyzGukfVkRoKLJ2vDN1Wu6ogQyRSEl/?d=n

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