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' transform%3D'scale(10.0)'%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(91 167) rotate(189) scale(44.2 22.5)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23443615' fill-opacity%3D'.6' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(25 0) rotate(41) scale(18.7 99.5)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23e90210' fill-opacity%3D'.7' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%231492bf' fill-opacity%3D'.6' cx%3D'106' cy%3D'56' rx%3D'62' ry%3D'28' %2F%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23fff' fill-opacity%3D'.9' cx%3D'124' cy%3D'6' rx%3D'69' ry%3D'12' %2F%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(8 102) rotate(90) scale(121 82)'%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23ceffff' fill-opacity%3D'.5' d%3D'M-.5-.5h1v1h-1z' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(128 113) rotate(366) scale(73.2 30.6)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23f4c1a8' fill-opacity%3D'.8' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23714f29' fill-opacity%3D'.4' d%3D'M21 226h144v30H21z' %2F%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23f3f6f6' fill-opacity%3D'1' cx%3D'140' cy%3D'48' rx%3D'6' ry%3D'24' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)

DELF Scolaire & Junior A1 (picture version)
Get ready for the D-Day! In color, lively and highly illustrated, this book has been specially designed to prepare teenagers for the DELF A1 exam. They will strengthen their four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) thanks to:- activities to revise all A1 notions and to develop understanding and production strategies
- activities to train on the communicative skills assessed in DELF A1
- 2 mock exams
- a CD
- answers and transcriptions
Note: this workbook is designed for the DELF Scolaire et Junior (for teenagers, 12-17 years old). For adults (above 17 years old) and for children (7-11 years old), kindly look for the specific workbooks in our selection.