
Cosmopolite 2 (Textbook) and 24/7 Access to AFKL online platform
Cosmopolite is a modern communication-based method that will help you to get solid foundations in French while enjoying
exciting topics and up-to-date documents. It's is a world's best-seller textbook, used in many Alliances Françaises all around the
+ Get access 24/7 to our online platform and App with hours of extra practice and tutors that will answer all your questions!
(This access is only available if you're registered to one of our classes)
This material covers 4 levels (Intermediate 3 to Independent 3). It will allow you to finish the A2 programme and start the B1.
It includes the textbook with its CD-Rom and the exercise book with its CD.
Mp3 audios and videos can also be downloaded or accessed from: https://cosmopolite.hachettefle.fr/cosmopolite-2_livre-de-l-eleve_fr.html